Druidical Order of the Golden Dawn

Welcome to the website of the Druidical Order of the Golden Dawn! If you've come here to learn about the Order, or about the textbook for its training program, The Celtic Golden Dawn by John Michael Greer, please visit our Curriculum page. Most other questions can be answered on our Frequently Asked Questions page. If you’re interested in joining the Order then please read both and then visit our Membership page.

The Druidical Order of the Golden Dawn is a magical order teaching a system of ceremonial magic descended partly from the Druid Revival of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and partly from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a nineteenth-century magical order. It is not a church or a religious organization; it does not offer ordination to the ministry; its teachings do not descend from those of the ancient Druids; and its symbolism and philosophy come primarily from Welsh Druid Revival sources.